Transformative Impact of Visionary Development Consulting on Apex Systems

This case study highlights the successful partnership between Visionary Development Consulting and Apex Systems, focusing on enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Employee Resource Group program management within the latter’s organizational structure.

Client Background

Apex Systems, a prominent staffing and workforce solutions provider, faced the challenge of advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within their organization. Recognizing the need for a strategic approach, Apex Systems engaged Visionary Development Consulting, a specialized firm in DEI and Employee Resource Group (ERG) program management.


The collaboration aimed to:

  • Achieve a measurable increase in DEI metrics.
  • Strengthen ERGs for better employee engagement and representation.
  • Improve career mobility, allyship, and advocacy within the company.

Solution and Approach

Visionary Development Consulting implemented a comprehensive program that included:

  • DEI an ERG program management training for key organizational figures.
  • An innovative ERG application process involving live interviews.
  • A tailored orientation program that aligns with the company’s core values.
  • Provision of a roadmap, terminology guides, and principles of allyship, along with other templates for ease of admin use.


The project, initiated in January 2023, spanned one year. Key achievements included launching the ERG leaders’ orientation and a 2-part program focusing on platform navigation, alignment with 2024 goals, and strategies for career mobility.

Results and Impact

  • 20% increase in ERG participation and nominations for company-wide awards.
  • Successful launch of ERG roadmaps, leading to a 15% rise in employee engagement.
  • 25% increase in nominations for company-wide awards, indicating progress in DEI goals.
  • Positive feedback highlighting the effectiveness of the structured approach.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Overwhelming ERG program content was streamlined into manageable components.
  • Time commitment issues were resolved by optimizing the ERG leaders orientation program’s length without compromising its effectiveness.

Lessons Learned

  • Strategic planning and phased implementation are key to long-term success.
  • Continual updates and adaptation are essential due to the evolving nature of language and communities.
  • Empowering co chairs and leaders to take ownership enhances the sustainability and impact of DEI initiatives

Key Factors and Unique Features

Visionary Development Consulting’s expertise in DEI and ERG program management significantly contributed to the transformative impact on Apex Systems, creating a more inclusive, transparent, and engaged culture.


This collaboration serves as a model for how tailored DEI strategies and effective ERG management can significantly enhance an organization’s culture and operational success. Also, the utilization of accurate metrics demonstrates the concrete improvements in ERG participation, employee engagement, and progress towards DEI goals.

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